magbo system


The truly great Science Fiction shows and films have one common quality: A truly great actor whose presence brings importance, legitimacy and gravitas to a genre whose very nature requires unbelievable factors. An actor whose performance on the screen and beyond...

To Hell With Fate Is Now On Paper!

Forget pre-orders!  To Hell With Fate is available for print right now! It turns our that my publisher’s printing partner, Ingram, moved things along a little faster than we expected!  So instead of waiting for September 30th, To Hell With Fate; or, Why The Best...

The Soundtrack of My Life: Disc 1 – Eternal

I can’t be the only one who does this.  If I’m not, I shouldn’t be. I grew up in the 1990’s, when mix tapes became all the rage, but before CDs made it easier.  It took time to put together a mixtape, and a lot of planning.  There were two sides, and you had to time...

Young Adults and the Adults Who Read Them

So, apparently it’s a discussion now about whether or not adults should, or should be proud of, or anything else involving Young Adult literature. I’m a little late to this party, but a fairly recent article on posed these two comments: “…it can be...